Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Can investments make you lose Money, even when winning it?

That is a good question, what happens when you are “winning” money but really you are losing it?

Let see if I can clarify a bit mi idea, suppose you invest $ 1,000 in January and it generates you – at the end of the year - $ 250 extra. This shows that you’ve increased your capital in $ 250 and now you hold an amount of $ 1,250. You can be happy, expressed as a percentage your capital grew 25%. This shows a good result!

Now, can this not be really a good result? The answer is “yes”. Now, let think that you leave in a country that deals with a high level of inflation – for example – 26%, then your original investment “produced” you a loss of 1%!

So, in countries like the one of the example you’ll be winning – really winning – as far as your earnings are tied – at least – to the country’s level of inflation.

Be aware of this at the moment of taking your investment decisions!

Till my next post!

Best regards

Prof. Lic. Fernando Julio Silva, MSc.
March 2012

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