Thursday, February 02, 2012

When fear acts as a counselor on investments decisions

I wrote this short piece as a consequence of what could happen when we don't stop to analyze our decisions in a clear way and we just act without been rational

When we think about investing money we usually assume that our decisions will be consequence of a clear study of the environment and how our saving could be affected

But, as humans we don’t include rationality in every act that we perform and when this turns to appear in money decisions it will turn into something dangerous.

An example down in Argentina, Y.P.F. was the national petroleum company till it was privatized some time ago, during the last days a rumor appeared saying that the company was going to be nationalized again.

The result of this “information”? The value of YPF stocks dropped more than 10% in one day and it continued it’s moving down on the following ones

Can we think about rational decisions been made? Probably the answer is NO.

I don’t want to include the political analysis to investors decisions but the “human’s” one was, lets run out of here; that was probably followed too by less experience people that thought if the ones that are supposed to know about the topic are doing this, lets follow them!   

Till my next post!

Prof. Lic. Fernando Julio Silva, MSc.
February 2012